Faster solutions to get rid of unwanted color dye
There is no doubt that a new hair dye color, restored vitality and youth and Ieith look beautiful and eye-catching, but things are not going as we want at all times, lost Tfajin after dye your hair color anomaly is suitable for your skin color or highlights beauty at all.
In the case of exposure to such circumstances, not upset Tsaba or frustration, you can deal with your hair color in the following ways:
1 - go to the beauty salon
You can go to the beauty salon and consult a hair expert on how to correct or change hair color for better color, hair gives degrees is best for you.
2 - Use a vitamin C capsules
Faster solutions to get rid of unwanted color dye
If you want to completely remove the hair color, you have many choices, including the use of vitamin capsules "C" which serves as a natural dye remover hair.
Dress bought a number of strips vitamin "C" and Crush between 25 - 30 capsules and Amsjeha little water to get a paste suitable then rub your hair before washing it and leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo and water and you will find that your hair has become lighter degrees or at least three times.
3 - TCO hot oil bath
Hot oil bath of simple and easy ways to remove the dye color unwanted at home. So well it works to nourish the scalp and moisturize _khaslath from the roots up parties. Dress warm a natural oils such as almond oil or olive oil or coconut oil, in the microwave, then leader of the scalp and hair with a massage for a minute and then to in your hair with a warm towel and leave on your hair for an hour and then wash your hair with shampoo. Enough to repeat this bath once a week to get the desired result, Valxtharan may damage your hair.
4 - Try cleaning powders or soap.
Add a little powdered laundry soap or to regular shampoo and wash it your hair and Stendhishan yourself from, its wonderful to remove hair dye, but Be careful and choose types of powders that do not contain large amounts of Candida so as not to damage your hair. Repeat this recipe several times in a row and will restore your hair to its natural color in a few days.
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5 - Use anti-dandruff shampoos
Anti-dandruff shampoos that removing hair dye. Advised to use warm water when washing hair to open the coated layers of locks of hair making it easier to remove the new color you gained.
6 - Try dye removers
In the event of failure of any of the previous methods remove the dye color, and we do not have the desire to re-dye your hair again, you can buy existing hair dye remover beauty shops that carry the names of global brands. Choose high-quality species and contains components for a nice hair so as not to cause destroyed during the process of removing the dye.
7 - Return the dye your hair.
Of the best choices to get rid of the color of your hair is beloved is to re-cast it again, so you choose your natural color or close to the color of your hair to correct basic appearance.
8 - others hairstyle and the story of your hair
In case you painting some locks of hair only so-called "Hi-Lite" and seemed wisps colorful eccentric and is convenient for you, you can circumvent the order of implementation of hairstyles hair helps to cover the wisps colored, such as heart hair entirely on one side or wear laces and bands colored on the head to you Ptstat attention for hair colors.
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